Slayers Temporada 1 Episódio 4

Lina and Gourry start investigating a way to stop Shabranigdos resurrection, however they are plagued with a question. Why is Zelgadis trying to revive the Demon Lord? On the other hand, Rezo cannot easily be trusted. The situation becomes more complicated when Zelgadis and Zolf realize that they are no longer able to scry for the as yet unknown item that is in Linas possession. While our heroes are traveling through a forest, Lina informs Gourry that she will not be able use her sorcery effectively for a few days. This makes her vulnerable to any villains that may challenge her. As fate would have it, Zelgadis and his men come to attack. During the exchange, one of Zelgadiss men, Dilgear the Werewolf/Troll, lets slip that it is, in fact, the Orihalcon statue that has them chasing Lina across the countryside. Lina narrowly escapes the initial attack and is separated from Gourry. However, she is quickly ambushed, knocked unconscious with a spell, and captured by Zelgadis.