The story revolves around the twin sisters Jina - Manta. Manta gets involved with a drug racket after stealing intoxicants from Jacky bhai. Following the investigation of this gruesome case it goes through an inexplicable turn of events.
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Manta and her troop sketch out a heinous plan to steal all the drugs and money from Abhiraj and Sheikh Abbas. Thus, begins the first of many crimes.
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The investigation starts in full force as four murders have already taken place, including a MPs son. Druglord Jackys people are also after Manta and her troop.
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MP Ashoke Barmans son Abhirajs murder case investigation is going on in full swing. As the mysteries start to unfold, the case is asked to get closed as it is.
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The ongoing events create a traumatizing effect on Jeenas little girl. As police does an intensive search at Jeenas home, they find a new lead.
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Jeena and her entire family is taken to the police station for further interrogation. Where will this interrogation finally lead to?
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